Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Safe Driving in Winter Weather

Winter is upon us, though this year we have been pretty lucky in my neck of the woods. After being shocked with a snow storm in October we have remained unseasonably warm. But this past weekend we were brought back to reality with snow overnight that turned to an icy rain during the day. Ahh, winter.

I'm a very cautious driver, especially now that I am toting precious cargo (my two year old) pretty much every where I go. So I try to practice some safe driving tips while still being prepared in case something were to happen. So here are a few ideas for you to keep in mind as you move about this winter on slick or icy roads.

1. Stay Home - My number one tip is that if the weather is questionable and the roads are not great stay home if possible. I know this is sometimes easier said than done, but sometimes it's better to stay on the safe side.

2. Stopping Distance - If you do have to get out in the ice and snow always remember to leave a good amount of stopping distance. It's easy for your car to loose traction and slide forward when coming to a stop. So leave yourself some room.

3. Slow Down - I am often amazed when driving in bad weather with the number of people zipping along as if it were sunny and warm. Take it slow. Keep both hands on the wheel and be prepared to control your vehicle should the snow try and take over.

4. Cell Phone - I try to never leave home without my cell phone, but this is especially true in bad weather. You never know when you may find yourself stuck and needing to call for a ride.

5. Blanket - I keep a blanket in the trunk of my car. This was something my dad always did and he passed it on to me. It's cold in the winter and if you get stuck and you need to keep you and your kids warm for awhile it's a priceless item to have!

There are a lot of things you can do to help prepare yourself for safe travels. I hope some of my tips will make you feel a little better about going out, but the most important thing you can do is be aware of the road conditions. I can't emphasize it enough to just stay in if they are reporting bad conditions. You can also check out the Esurance blog for more tips and ideas for driving this winter.

I wish you all safe travels and a winter full of fun!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Esurance blogging program for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Staying at home is good during iffy weather. Of course, sometimes we have no choice but to drive... Well, if you need go somewhere, it's best to do so during the day. Once night falls, everything gets colder and darker so the roads become more dangerous.


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