Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Family Travel

Growing up I was lucky enough to get to travel with my family. At least once a year we would take off on some relaxing vacation. My parents would fill our time with fun family activities, beautiful sights to see, and delicious meals. Some of my favorite memories are from these amazing family vacations, so I wanted to be sure I could provide that to my daughter.

We took our very first family vacation when my daughter was only three months old. We rented a beach house so that we would be comfortable with a newborn. We needed a kitchen and room to spread out! This was one of the most amazing vacations I had ever been on purely because we were all together focusing on nothing but our family.

As my daughter has gotten older our vacations have become even more fun! We are always looking for kid friendly activities to keep her smiling and enjoying her time. But it's also become challenging. Finding a balance between keeping the little one entertained and getting some time in to relax can be tough. We abandoned the house rental idea because we started to feel like we weren't on vacation. We were food shopping and cooking at home. I was throwing in loads of laundry and we were losing that care free feeling.

We are now indulging in the hotel experience. It's another challenge because when she sleeps, during nap time or at night, we have to turn off all the lights and be completely quiet. So maybe we will experiment with a family suite that has an extra room. Another idea that has crept into my mind is an all inclusive family friendly resort, like Club Med's All Inclusive Resort. They offer so much for kids and parents to do to have fun and relax.

I'm sure as my daughter continues to grow and family continues to change we will still find challenges. But to me the family vacation experience and the memories that are made are more than worth it! I look forward to visiting new places and seeing new things. I can't wait to experience things through my daughter's eyes. I look forward to when she will be old enough to play in pool while I read a book. But for now, I will hold onto her tight because she is growing too quickly!


  1. we always have to get a hotel with two bedrooms in it - one for the kids and one for us! we actually end up moving one of the kids to the pull-out couch when we are going to bed....someday the kids will share a room and that MIGHT make vacationing easier....I don't know, we've been pretty spoiled, but it does make it pricey. it IS really nice for the kids to not be in our room - I'd never sleep if that were the case! so definitely give it a try. :)

  2. That's a good idea! We pretty much went to bed at 8 so she could go to bed.. haha! Some vacation!

  3. Nice planning for family travels . good looking and very interesting details share in the post. thank u so much

  4. We love to travel as well. I think your right put a side at least one a year and go out and see the world. I am fortunate enough to have family overseas that we have some where to stay but even if you don't hotels can be very reasonable. I took my daughter to Holland when she was just a couple of months old and then we went to South-america and Trinidad and so on. It is fun but alway be prepared for anything especially when you travel with little ones :) Looks like you all enjoyed your trip. Thank for sharing.

  5. We tried Exclusive Residence when we went to the Cayman Islands with our 2-year-old. The personal service was perfect! Hubby and I got to enjoy our 2-week stay without worrying about shopping and laundry and what not.


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