Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Magical Vacation!

Sorry I have been MIA for the last week. We just returned from Disney World! It was my little one's first trip and it was a huge success. We had so much fun riding on rides, visiting with characters, and just being together as a family.
To help celebrate my daughter's first trip to Disney I will be sharing with you some amazing Etsy sellers who can help make a Disney vacation even more magical. Or just dress up a little Disney fan for birthdays, family events, or any other day of the year! This event will start next week.


  1. we took our kids last year for the fist time and had a blast...I look forward to reading more about your trip!

  2. It really is the happiest place on earth!!

  3. I can't wait to hear all about it, love those red micky tees

  4. can't wait to hear more! It looks like the weather was beautiful!

  5. We're total Disney freaks and I post about our trips a lot! Can't wait to see more of yours!


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