Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pinterest... Consuming All My Time

Is anyone else finding themselves being sucked into the world of Pinterest? Seriously, I sit down at the computer to do a little browsing and I look up 3 hours later. I don't know how it happens... but I think they need to start support groups to help us "addicts" better manage our time on there.

So the question I most often get when trying to explain Pinterest to newbies is what kind of stuff I "pin." Well, I think my biggest board is my FOOD board. Recipes are flying around on Pinterest and the images truly make my mouth water. From desserts to crock pot recipes... I have enough recipes pinned to feed my family for a year. The only problem is that I am pinning all the wrong food. Where is the healthy recipe board? I must search for it today.
Brownie Batter Dip... yes, please!
My next biggest pinning area of obsession is birthday ideas for kids. I have found the cutest DIY projects to make a birthday super cute! My Minnie Mouse board is overflowing with cupcake designs, favors for the guests, and decorations. This year we are doing a princess party for my daughter's 3rd birthday, so my board for that is constantly being updated. Some people are so creative!

My pinning list goes on and on. I have decorating ideas for my house, products that I love... or dream of having, crafts for every holiday. The possibilities are endless on Pinterest. But I warn you... it is addicting.

You can check out my Pinterest by clicking on the "Follow Me on Pinterest" button on the top right of this page or clicking HERE. Do you pin? Leave me a link to your boards so I can check them out! Happy Pinning!


  1. Pinterest is a time suck I love! I think recipes are my favourite too

  2. I think I could get addicted to Pinterest!

  3. It's easy to get addicted! But I have gotten so many cool ideas from it!


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