Monday, May 28, 2012 Review

My husband and I are big coffee drinkers. We don't just drink it for the caffeine boost in the morning (though we certainly need that with out active three year old), but we genuinely enjoy the taste. Because of this we are always on the lookout for quality coffee flavors that we can fully enjoy. I love coffee with a little added flavor because I drink my coffee black. So I can really indulge in the aroma and taste of a steaming hot cup of coffee.

A few weeks ago I came across a site that I hadn't visited before through twitter. is a great site to visit when looking for some high quality coffee. And this site has several ways to make your shopping experience even easier. If you're a little unsure of what you are looking for you can take advantage of their suggestion tool to help guide you by what you like. And once you've found a flavor you love you can use the Auto-Refill to make sure your coffee arrives on your doorstep right when you need it. Imagine never having that heart wrenching feeling when you realize you are out of coffee and you have a big day ahead of you!

With all that has to offer I was really excited when they offered me the chance to pick a flavor to try for myself. After browsing their selection I decided on Espresso #9. On the product page you can learn everything you need to know about your selection from it's region to it's roast level. Then you can read about the distinct flavors that are present, and in this particular brew I was really looking forward to the black cherry and fudge flavors!

The coffee arrived quickly and at the perfect time. We were having a bunch of family come for my daughter's birthday, so my husband brewed up a nice big pot and we passed it around.  The results we unanimous that this coffee is delicious! From the aroma to the taste it was a great start to a busy morning. Be sure to head on over to and check out all they have to offer!

*I received one or more of the above mentioned items for review purposes. However, all opinions expressed are my own and have not been influenced in any way.

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