Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Daddy's Do It Different - Book Review and Giveaway

As a new father, I often find myself on the receiving end of more than a few scornful looks from my wife whenever I fly solo and handle some of the typical child chores revolving around our daughters--from buttoning onesies (“WRONG! If they don’t line up, you just can’t send her out into the world all crooked.”), to loading up the diaper bag with a few new supplies (“WRONG! Chocolate colored espresso beans do not a park snack make.”), to resting a Red Bull in the car seat next to her so that it won't spill while I am simultaneously driving, texting and scarfing down a chili-cheeseburger.
            Okay, that last one is a joke. However, some of the things I happened to have found funny, innocent, appropriate, or entirely defensible considering the duress of the circumstances I was under at the moment--well, let's just say my wife and I take a different paths to achieve the same goal. (While I might have nipples, I do not have milk and when hungry cries hit the decibel level of an Iron Maiden concert, a man will do all sorts of things to more speedily warm a bottle.)
    Make no mistake. I love my daughters. I cherish my time with my daughters. When each of them was born I instantly realized I would lay down my own life without batting an eye to protect either of my girls from any harm. But there are lots of ways to give a bath, cruise through the aisles at the grocery store or wipe a messy chin, and it didn’t take long for me to see that we live in a new era, one where dads are actively, willingly, lovingly involved in the raising of their young children unlike any prior generation of dads (or so it seems).    Daddies do it… but daddies do it different. (My book title was born from a tagline frequently uttered to my wife as I explained the reasons behind why I did the things I had done in the “unique manner” in which I had done them.)    One way is not necessarily better, or worse . . . it’s just different. My way might be sillier, her way might be more efficient, or vice versa.    In the book I really sought to capture the spirit of fatherly love and joy (and humor) that I so evidently see in society today. Dads love being dads but when called upon to tackle parental tasks, no one should be surprised that the job got done yet, it’s just that, well… Daddies Do It Different. - Written by Alan Sitomer, author of Daddies Do It Different
This books definitely hits home for me! From the moment my daughter was born my husband was a super hands on dad. He tackled diaper changes and was always asking me questions on how to do things. But somehow those answers seemed to go in one ear and out the other. Don't get me wrong... he did great. But just as Alan says, he did it different than I would have.

Throughout this fun story you witness the love and bond between a father and his daughter. The smiles that they both share as they do every day things shows how much they enjoy doing things together. But they are doing everything just a little bit differently than mommy would do. She is well cared for and ends up dressed, gets her bath, and is fed. But when they're done her clothes don't match, the kitchen's a mess, and the bathroom is slightly flooded. It's a wonderful relationship they have! But when it comes to love she knows that mommy and daddy love her the same and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

This book could have been written about our family. My daughter even has a shirt that says "daddy did my hair." Now that's a scary sight! But he adores her and has the best time doing things with her. I often have a bigger mess in the end, but it's worth it for them to have that special time together.

This is the perfect book to share with your husband and child this Father's Day! To learn more about Alan Sitomer you can visit his website. And be sure to check out the next stop on his book tour over at 5 Minutes for Books.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Our granddaughter Ryan and her daddy our son would enjoy this.

  2. I would share it with my daugther

  3. My grandsons would enjoy this book!

  4. I'd share it with my Kindergarteners.


  5. My daughter and my hubby!

    Kelly L

  6. my husband and my girls. :) thanks for the chance!

  7. I would share it with my daughter

  8. I would share this book with my kindergarten students.

  9. I would share this book with my hubby and our son

    Jamie Brigham
    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com


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