Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bun in the Oven

You may have noticed my slacking on getting posts out as often as I used to. I am happy to say that I have been so lax with my blog for good reason. I have been busy cooking.... a bun in the oven! Yes, our family of three is excited to become a family of four!

Things have been going really well with this pregnancy. Aside from some all day nauseous I have been feeling good. I think the toughest part has been pure exhaustion. All I want to do these days is sleep! I was hoping the second trimester would bring about some energy, but I'm still a walking zombie. It's definitely better.... but I am still napping in the afternoon while my little one naps and hitting the sack for the night shortly after she does. So my productivity level has gone down... way down... in many ways. Boy does my house need a good cleaning! And I haven't cooked a full home cooked meal in weeks. But I'm happy to be taking it easy and enjoy this time. I will get back to cooking and cleaning before I know it!

But of course I have some exciting things lined up for the next few weeks! I will be getting to those reviews and giveaways soon. And of course I will be sharing and updating as my life continues to change with this new addition!!


  1. Congratulations!!! :)

    I absolutely love the "Big Sister" shirt...SO cute! :)

  2. Thank you!! She's very excited :)


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