Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chicken Soup for the Soul - Married Life

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Married Life!

101 Inspirational Stories about Fun, Family and Wedded Bliss

Marriage is a wonderful institution, and in this fresh collection of stories, husbands and wives share their personal, funny, and quirky stories from the trenches. This book will inspire and delight readers with its entertaining and heartwarming stories about fun, family, and wedded bliss, Whether newly married or married for years and years, readers will find laughter and inspiration in these 101 stories of love, romance, fun, and making it work.

My Thoughts:
Ah, wedded bliss. I remember the giddy feeling of being engaged. The excitement of starting a life together. The illusion of playing house like a couple out of the 1950's. Leave it to Beaver was the standard I wanted to live up to. 

Then we got married and reality sunk in. Don't get me wrong, married life is great. I get to see my best friend every day, I have someone who helps around the house, I don't feel lonely at night. It's great, but it's not easy. 

We have been married for 6 years now and it doesn't seem that long at all. I feel very lucky to be in a strong, happy marriage with someone I truly enjoy spending my time with. But we definitely have our ups and downs. So I really enjoyed reading this book and entering into the lives of other married couples. It made me realize that I am very lucky, that my husband is a great guy, that our ups and downs are normal, and that marriage is work.

I loved reading stories about new marriages and the unforeseen challenges, and old marriages that have survived countless trials and tribulations only to come out stronger. The book truly is inspiring and comforting for couples young and old. This would make a great wedding shower or anniversary gift! 

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