Monday, October 1, 2012

Ralph Tells a Story - By Abby Hanlon

Ralph Tells a Story

As a teacher, I have encountered many students just like Ralph. This book is perfect for kids in school that are beginning to be asked to do some creative writing. It can be very challenging for some students to come up with ideas when they are given the opportunity to write about anything. Some children really do need some more prompting and structure to get their creative juices flowing. But this story helps kids realize that they have much more to say then they even know. The smallest experience or adventure could lead to the most interesting story. A story that leads to other questions and engages the interest of others.

I loved this book because of how relate-able it is to kids. It's encouraging and inspiring. You are cheering for Ralph to come up with a great story! I would highly recommend you check out this book and share it with your new writer.

Inspiration for Ralph Tells A Story

For Momma Drama 

Abby Hanlon, author of Ralph Tells A Story 
I wrote Ralph Tells A Story when I was a first grade teacher. An adorable little boy in my class with really messy hair inspired the story. This little boy hated writing time. He struggled with the basics—holding his pencil, forming letters, writing his name. Drawing was not a satisfying way for him to tell a story because his drawing skills were undeveloped. This little boy squirmed in his chair and tried to find every possible distraction to avoid writing. Every day he would declare that he had nothing to write about.

But I knew that was not true, because this kid was funny. The other kids in the class loved him for his silly stories. He just couldn’t write them down. I remember one day when it was time to share at the end of writing time, I called on him to share his story, knowing there was nothing, or very little, on his paper. He stood in front of the class, holding his empty paper. After his initial unease, he improvised, making up a funny story as he went along. When he was finished, the class burst into applause. That was how the idea was born for Ralph Tells A Story.  I felt that this boy was a natural hero.

Writing Tip of the Day
Copyright (c) 2012 by Abby Hanlon
Kids like stories that are funny, so a great way to encourage reluctant writers is by tapping into their deep well of silly kid humor. Notice what your kids find funny. If told with humor, anything can be a story. My son loves when I tell a story about strange noises he makes in the middle of the night. Keep a list of these things that make you laugh at home. Pull it out when your kid complains, “I have nothing to write about.” 

Be sure to visit the next stop on this book tour: KidLitFrenzy and check out Abby's Blog on tumblr!


  1. Thank you so much for posting my book Ralph Tells A Story, and for the wonderful review!

  2. Thank you for sharing this fun and inspiring book with me and my readers!


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