Friday, November 16, 2012

Book Tour - The Reader

The Reader
By Amy Hest

In this timeless picture book, a new reader trudges through deep snow with a mysterious suitcase in tow. He has something important to share with his faithful companion, who bolts ahead to wait at the top of a tall hill. Our small hero climbs higher and higher, until finally, he is there, too. Then he opens his suitcase - click, click - and soon the only sound in the world is the sound of the reader reading their very favorite book to the very last page... the very last word.

This is what I hope and dream for my daughter. I hope that my daughter will find a love for reading. One so strong that she takes her books with her wherever she goes. One so powerful that sitting in the freezing cold with her favorite book is enough to make her happy. The Reader is an inspirational book about a child loving to read. I truly enjoyed reading this book to my daughter and explaining to her the magic that books hold. Their ability to take you to new places, meet new people, and go on exciting adventures. While she can't read yet, she picked up a book, headed to the corner and proceeded to turn the pages. She looked at each one carefully and I imagine she was telling herself a story.

From the Author:
My favorite place to read?  Well, that’s easy. My bed, definitely. I have a very BIG bed. With a very PUFFED-UP blanket and a bunch of BUNCHED-UP pillows. I read at night, very late at night, when most people are sleeping. I punch up those pillows and turn on the bedside lamp and pull the blanket way up high to my chin and rest my book way up high on my knees . . . and then . . . at last . . . I'm reading! I read . . .  and read . . . and . . .until my eyelids start to flutter. . . . But I read a little more . . .  a little more . . . and now the eyelids are closing . . .  closing . . . and the book falls off my knees . . . and now I’m sleeping . . . sleeping . . . sleeping. . . . 

Win a copy of this wonderful book, The Reader. Simply comment with your favorite place to read. Be sure to include an e-mail address! Open to US and Canada. This giveaway will end on November 30, 2012 at 11:59 P.M.



  1. My favorite place to read is in my son's room in his rocking chair with him on my lap! Cuddles plus! :)

  2. My favourite place to read is in bed

  3. My favorite place to read is in the bathtub, but if the kids are listening in, we have a reading chair in the living room.

  4. sorry, my email is ladyvdzine @

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love reading in bed!

  7. My email is actually

  8. my favourite place to read is the TUB!

  9. the rocking chair or the couch

  10. i like to read in bed to my children.

  11. I like to read on the couch. My daughter and I have reading time every night before bed.

    Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com

  12. The kids and I like to read in my bed

    alsatia23 at hotmail dot com


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