Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide: The Great Christmas Crisis

The Great Christmas Crisis
Kim Norman, illustrated by Jannie Ho

First the reindeer rebelled - now it's the elves' turn! This fun follow-up to The Great Reindeer Rebellion is as over-the-top entertaining as its forerunner. Told in fun rhyme, this holiday-bright book takes kids on an undercover mission with Santa himself - and gives them an inside peek at what REALLY goes on in the elves' workshop.

My Thoughts:
What an appropriate book for this time of year! This story is full of chaos and stress as the elves try and deal with the quickly approaching big day. It is funny and engaging for kids to get a peek at what goes on with Santa and his elves in order to prepare for such a monumentous night. And what an important lesson the elves learned about taking some time to stop and enjoy the season and all the wonderful things that go along with it.

Families can easily get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. And this leads us to often miss out on some of the most magical parts. Simply stopping to enjoy some holiday music and drink some hot cocoa could make such a huge difference in how your family celebrates. I love that the elves are the ones to remind us of this! My daughter was fully engaged throughout with the fun illustrations and silly things going on at the North Pole! 

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