Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide: World Vision Gift Catalog

Share the true spirit of Christmas!

Sometimes buying holiday gifts can feel like an obligation. Another sweater Grandma won’t wear, another tie to add to Dad’s collection – what if the gifts bought out of social necessity went to supply real necessities around the world? This upcoming holiday season, shoppers can reinvent gift lists with items from the World Vision Gift Catalog. These alternative gift ideas, from goats and chickens to life-saving medicine, honor the recipient and create a lasting impact for people in need. The catalog offers nearly 250 gifts online and in the print version ranging in price from $16 to $39,000. These gifts can be purchased in the name of a family member, teacher, co-worker or child, including many affordable items under $50.

I just love this idea! It is so true.... we buy gifts because we have to. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely enjoy giving gifts during the holiday season. And I like to put a lot of thought into finding something that the person will love. But in reality, I'm not buying anything that anyone NEEDS. My family and I are in very fortunate positions. We don't have needs like so many other less fortunate people around the world. World Vision gives you the perfect alternative to your typical gift giving. Give a gift that also helps others in need.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with World Vision this holiday season. They sent me a gorgeous ornament set.

This set of handmade Zakale wire & bead ornaments are from Nairobi. Meaning "reuse" Zakale crafts are made from recycled materials by a group of Kenyan artisans reclaiming their own lives from poverty.

While we all enjoy shopping for our friends and family, we should keep those in need in our minds. World Vision has created the perfect opportunity to give to those who need it most. Through their World Vision Catalog you can give the gift of life by feeding a family in the US for a day for only $16. You can help fund a child's education for only $32. Or you can purchase a goat for $75. With the purchase of a goat you are providing children with protein from the milk and allowing families to sell the surplus.

I would highly recommend you check out this great site and consider making a donation or giving a gift that helps others. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful ornament set. Thanks for sharing and it is always great to help others :)


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