Friday, November 2, 2012

Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole - Book Review

"Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole" 
By Angie Smith
(B&H, September 2012; ISBN-13: 978-1433676604, $14.99) 

We love to cheer for the underdog and believe to our core that every life makes a difference. And we are right. There is no one God can’t use and no one whose brokenness is too broken for God. We know this is true for our friends when we want to encourage them. Yet, when it comes to the places of our innermost sense of shame and regret, we often wonder if it is really true that God can work all things together for good for those who love Him.

"Mended" takes you on a journey to show how faith lived in the regular events of daily life is all that it takes to be a part of creating God’s picture of redemption in your life and those around you. Your life does make a difference—because of how He is magnified in the cracks.

My Thoughts:
I have to admit that I had mixed feelings about this book. As a pregnant mother, I did find some of it very hard to read. But at the same time, I felt like I had met a new friend and I was the ears she was using to pour her most intimate thoughts and feelings to. It was a little bit of an internal battle for me to put the book down or keep reading. Ultimately, the book was too powerful to put down. And I am very glad that I read it all the way through.

The thought of losing a child is unbearable to me. And as I look at my own perfect daughter and the growing belly holding my son, the thought makes me cringe and imagine I would never be able to go on. I pray that  I will never have to find the strength to go on, but Angie did. She felt broken and she turned to God to help her put the pieces back together and carry on with her day to day life.

 Angie's messages and experiences carry over into your own challenges and broken pieces of your life. She gives you a new perspective and hope. The book is an easy, quick read and is full of inspiration. I would recommend you check it out!

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