Thursday, December 6, 2012

Win a Second Honeymoon from

It's time for the second round of this fabulous contest offered by!
Calling all Pinners!

The next contest is their Pin it to Win it contest and starts this Thursday, December 6th at 8am and ends December 13th at midnight.

Contestants create a Pinterest board titled “ Honeymoon Contest”, Repin our contest pin to the board and then fill it with pins that represent their ideal honeymoon. You will also need to copy the url of their board and paste it within the submission form in the contest app on Facebook. The best board will win the second honeymoon trip. The winning board will be chosen by an independent Modern Greetings judging panel. 

If you haven’t participated in their previous contest you will need to start by entering your email address on this page:  If you’ve already entered your email on that page then you can go straight to their Facebook page ( and click on the contest tab to fill out the submission form for the Pin it contest and it will also tell you exactly what you have to do to enter.

Good luck!

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