Saturday, January 26, 2013

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Finding My Faith

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Finding My Faith

101 Inspirational Stories about Life, Belief, and Spiritual Renewal

Everyone's faith story is different. People of all faiths share their personal experiences in this inspiring collection of amazing stories about the number of ways people discover, or rediscover, their faith - whether it's Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other religion. These inspirational stories will touch the hearts and souls of readers. 

My Thoughts:
I always really enjoy the Chicken Soup for the Soul books. I love the fact that they are made up of short stories that are quick and easy reads. I often find myself sitting down to read one or two excerpts and instead reading for hours. These are the types of books I can really find myself getting lost in.

Finding My Faith was especially interesting to me because of the variety of stories. All of the stories focused on the same thing.... personal journies that have led people to find their faith. But the stories were so varied by experiences or circumstances that led them to where they are now. Whether it had taken them years and years or their lives were changed in an instant by some remarkable event. I also found it very interesting because the stories cover so many different faiths. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school until I went to college. So very often I was exposed to stories about people finding or coming back to the church. This book brought different views, perspectives, and experiences to light.

I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for faith, has already found it, or wants to learn about the experiences of others. 

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