Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mint Style - Become a Style Consultant

Ok moms, I have a really exciting opportunity to tell you about. If you love style and fashion then you need to head over to BeachMint to learn about all the opportunities they have to offer you in terms of shopping or becoming a style consultant. They have six properties to offer with selections from clothing to shoes to skincare and more.

I was lucky enough to get an up close and personal look at the property JewelMint, and their new program, MintStyle.This site offers shoppers the opportunity to purchase fashionable pieces of jewelry at affordable prices. But right now they are also offering another fabulous opportunity. They are looking for Style Consultants to grow their business through in-home trunkshows as well as online while taking a commission of all sales they make. To start, each style consultant can purchase a Style Consultant Starter Kit providing the following:

Kit 1 - $199
-$300 jewelry
-10 Mint Style jewelry catalogues
-50 order forms
-ring sizers

Kit 2 - $399
-$750 jewelry
-25 Mint Style jewelry catalogues
-100 order forms
-ring sizers

Kit 3 - $699
-$1750 jewelry
-50 Mint Style jewelry catalogues
-150 order forms
-ring sizers
Retail Value: $1,800+

This is a fantastic opportunity to make some money while being up on the latest fashions in jewelry. I can't think of a more enjoyable way to make money then by having jewelry parties! And I can attest to the fact that the jewelry is fabulous. I was sent two pieces to check out and I am already a big fan.

The jewelry comes packaged up so beautifully. You know you are getting something special.

Check out the pieces I received:

I would highly recommend you head on over to MintStyle and check out all they have to offer.


  1. Did you work with a consultant or the company directly?

  2. Hi, I've been eyeing Mintstyle for a business opportunity. However, I have some problems contacting them and wonder if they are still in business? Are you still doing fine with their company?
    THanks for replying!


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