Friday, February 1, 2013

Purex Crystals for Baby

Introducing a new way to add gentle
freshness to your baby's laundry.

As you all know I am back in "new mom" mode! Even though this is my second baby I feel like I am starting all over. It's hard to remember everything that I had to learn the first time around, and I still feel like I am just as nervous and cautious with this little guy.

With that being said I am not taking any chances with this little guy's skin. He seems to have much more sensitive skin then my daughter and even has some baby acne. So when I was given the chance to check out Purex's new Crystals designed specifically for babies I had to learn more.

I am a huge Purex fan and use their laundry detergent all the time. And I LOVE the Purex Crystals because they make my laundry smell amazing. So when I read that Purex Crystals for Baby are hypoallergenic, dye free, and safe for use on all clothes, including children's sleepwear, I knew I would feel comfortable giving it a try.

The verdict... I'm a fan! My favorite part is the amazing scent. I mean, my baby has a fabulous natural smell... but it fades throughout the day. Probably from the spit up.... hehe. So having his clothes smell fresh and clean keeps the cuddling and snuggling going strong!

Purex Crystals for Baby are a hit in our house. I would recommend them to anyone looking to freshen their load while adding softness to those adorable tiny clothes!

Purex Crystals for Baby are available at Walmart.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Purex provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals for Baby in exchange for a product review. However, all opinions expressed here aree my own.


  1. I want to win!

    Maggie True Armstrong
    maggie at pdclarion dot com

  2. My GFC name is Aunt Maggie Rocks.

    Maggie True Armstrong
    maggie at pdclarion dot com

  3. i want to win debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  4. i want to win

  5. i want to win
    tcogbill at live dot com

    thanks-we have a 5 month old

  6. I want to win!

    elena150980 at yahoo dot com

  7. I would love to win!

  8. I'd love to win! This sounds great.
    My GFC username is Marysa :)

  9. I want to win! :) Thanks for the chance!


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