Monday, February 11, 2013

The Yuckies, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever - Book Review

By Brenda A. Ferber
Pictures By Tedd Arnold

THE YUCKIEST, STINKIEST, BEST VALENTINE EVER by Brenda Ferber, illustrated by Tedd Arnold (Dial, Dec 2012) is a picture book for kids ages 3 and up. In this story, Leon has a crush. A let-her-cut-in-line-at-the-water-fountain kind of crush. And he's got the perfect valentine. But this valentine has no intention of getting caught up in any romantic conspiracy. "Love is yucky, kid! Valentine's Day is all about CANDY!" the card yells at Leon, before leaping out the window and running away, leaving Leon to chase it across town, collecting interested kids along the way.

My Thoughts:
This book is adorable and clever. The illustrations are done in such a fun way that you really get into the feeling of chasing this crazy little valentine all over town and meeting new people in different scenes. The story rings true to kids and their reactions to valentines. The boys are with the valentine that it should be all about the candy. But the girls think it's oh so sweet for Leon to be in love. 

The ending of this story was unpredictable and sweet. It gives Valentine's Day a good name and is a great story to share with boys and girls. My daughter really enjoyed this story!

Be sure to visit Brenda Ferber's website to learn more and find a fun activity kit to download this Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! 


  1. Thanks for the Valentine's Day love, Lara! I'm so glad you and your daughter are enjoying my book.

  2. This looks like a fun book. My Sophia loves books so, i know this would be one of them she would really enjoy. Thanks for sharing.


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