Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cascade Platinum

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Of all the chores in the world that I wish I could give away... I think washing dishes would be the one. It's not the most difficult of jobs, but every time I turn around the sink is full of dishes. I feel like it's the bottomless pit of chores. Add to it the fact that we are washing a bazillion bottles a day and you can start to understand my pain.

For most people, doing the dishes isn't too terrible because they can use their dishwasher. I stopped using my dishwasher about a year ago because I felt that it was more trouble then it's worth. We have hard water, so everything was coming out spotty. It's also an older machine, so things were coming out still dirty. It was no longer a matter of loading the machine. It was now a routine of prerinsing, loading the machine, spot checking, rewashing, putting dishes away. That's enough to make anyone question if the dishwasher was saving them any time.

So when I was given the opportunity to try Cascade Platinum I was excited to see if I would have any better luck and be able to cut out some of the steps I was taking. So I made some of my mother-in-law's famous pineapple stuffing and got a pretty crusty dish. I didn't do any prerinsing and I filled the dishwasher up with out daily dishes as well. I wanted to see how it did on the tough stuff and the every day stuff.

Overall I was very happy with the results. The casserole dish came out completely free of any gunk! Woohoo! My glasses came out with very little spotting from the hard water. And all of the plates and bowls were spotless. I didn't have to rewash anything! And I loved the lemon fresh scent and how easy and convenient the little packets are. 

I feel confident that I could use Cascade Platinum and not have to prewash, rewash, or inspect every dish at the end of the cycle.This is something I could get used to! And Gail Simmons, Top Chef judge and editor of Food+Wine Magazine, agrees. She has partnered with Cascade to discuss why presentation is just as important as preparation.

· From prep to plating: It’s more than just a great-tasting recipe, but also perfect presentation.
Sparkling dishes, shining flat ware and spot-free glasses truly let you put your best food forward
with culinary creations that pop!
· Gail recommends impressing with a Platinum Presentation: “The easiest recipes pop with
unexpected, gourmet presentations. Drizzle bright sauces on sparkling white plates or layer
desserts in crystal-clean glassware. Keep your presentation sparkling with Cascade Platinum,
which keeps dishes perfect for anytime entertaining and impromptu guests.”

And be sure to check out the Cascade Platinum Contest. The Cascade “My Platinum” contest is a four-week Instagram contest encouraging fans to upload photos related to the weekly contest themes. Show off how sparkly Cascade makes all your pots, pan and plates!

· Visit the contest landing page (http://tinyurl.com/PlatBlog) for information on how to
enter and submit images:
· Each week, two contestants will be selected to receive a brand new Whirlpool
dishwasher. Additionally, one lucky grand prize winner will receive a Platinum kitchen.

Check Cascade out on Facebook for all the latest news! And you can also check them out on Instagram at #MyPlatinum. 

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