Friday, January 17, 2014

Book Tour - Baby Penguins Love Their Mama! - by Melissa Guion

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to check out a beautiful children's book written by Melissa Guion.

Baby Penguins Love Their Mama! was a sweet story that made me immediately feel connected to Mama Penguin. Some days I feel myself going through the motions... get them ready, drive them to school, pick them up, make lunch, drive them to dance, drive them home, cook dinner, get the ready for bed. Then repeat... day after day after day. My life is centered around my children and what they want and need. The days fly by as I take them to dance, swimming, school, music, play dates. I love seeing how happy they are doing all these fun and important things... but it wears on a Mama. But then every once in awhile they do something so special and thoughtful. And it reminds me that they do love me, they do need me, and they do appreciate me.

Here is a little from the author about why she felt inspired to write this beautiful story.

BABY PENGUINS LOVE THEIR MAMA is inspired by my experience as a mom, and it centers on a big turning point in every mother-child relationship: the first time your child comes home with a present for you.

You know what I’m talking about. Their little hands hold up something they’ve carried all the way home without dropping or losing it. Their eyes shine up at you. You cry, or want to. You curse yourself for every harsh word you’ve ever uttered and resolve to be a perfect mother from that moment on!

Of course, kids being what they are, the gift can be very funny. Half a chocolate popsicle, an acorn cap. I’ve been offered a lot of shiny rocks.

Sometimes the gift clearly involved a lot of hard work, like this beautiful birds nest my daughter felted for me:

I’ve received gifts that I didn’t end up getting to enjoy in the usual way. Like expensive bath salts that ended up as a beach for Polly Pockets. Or a box of five chocolates that somehow became a box of one chocolate.

But whether or not the gift makes it home intact, it’s a watershed moment. Your child feels so much pride and excitement. You feel thought of and appreciated.  It’s terrific for everyone involved, and it seemed like it deserved its own book!

Be sure to visit Melissa's website to learn more about her and all of the books she has written. And hop on over to the next blog on the tour tomorrow, Booking Mama.

GIVEAWAY! - And don't forget to enter to win a fabulous prize!
One lucky winner will receive a deliciously-scented mama and baby penguin goat's milk soap (for preening practice, of course!) and a signed copy of BABY PENGUINS LOVE THEIR MAMA.
Simply comment below telling me why you want to win!
(U.S. addresses only.)
* A winner will be chosen at random on February 1st and contaced via e-mail.


  1. I'd like to win because my little one absolutely loves ready - especially any book about animals - and this book sounds really cute.

  2. My daughters love to make things for us - especially my 4-year-old. I think she'd relate to this book really well. We love to read in this house! Thanks for the chance!
    tara.the.equestrian at gmail dot com

  3. Lara, thank you for having me over to your blog. I'm glad the book resonates for you!

  4. My niece and nephew (three-year-old twins) are fascinated by penguins. I know they'd really love this book.

  5. Forgot to leave my email address for my entry above: patricia DOT mariani DOT esq AT gmail DOT com

  6. I want to win because i think my sons would love this book

  7. My son loves penguins and we love to read


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