Saturday, March 29, 2014

Purex Crystals - Limited Edition Fabulously Fresh

Our family is a Purex family. We love the laundry detergent and we always stock up when we see it on sale at our local grocery store. I have also become quite fond of the Purex Crystals. They are so incredibly easy to use. You simply toss the crystals in with your laundry and they come out smelling so fresh. And I have found that the fresh scent really does last for weeks. There is nothing better than opening your linen closet and getting a breath of fresh scent. Oh.. and then wrapping up in that soft, fresh smelling towel. Amazing.

So I was super excited to try the new Limited Edition scent.... Fabulously Fresh. Well, the name pretty much says it all.  I have fallen in love with this scent and will have to stock up before it disappears! I poured some into the cap to get a whiff and had to run and let my husband smell it, too. Then my daughter wanted to take a sniff. We all agreed it was really fabulously fresh. 

So on my next load of towels I added my new crystals and waited patiently to see how they smelled after going through the wash. Purex didn't fail me. The towels came out fresh and have been smelling fresh every since. And they don't reduce the absorbency of my towels, which is really important. 

These crystals have now become part of my regular laundry routine. I have upgraded from using them on my towels to using them on everything.... even my 1 year old's clothing. And I have noticed that the fresh scent has been lingering in closets and bedrooms... making everything smell fresher. Which we really need since our windows have been sealed shut for months. It's like a little burst of spring!

Purex is having an amazing sweepstakes right now where you could win a $1,000 shopping spree plus a year's supply of NEW Purex Crystals Limited Edition Fabulously Fresh! Click HERE to enter!

Purex Crystals Limited Edition Fabulously Fresh became available in March, so keep your eyes open at your local stores and grab a bottle when you see one. Then give it a try and let me know what you think. Plus... one lucky reader can win a coupon to try these new crystals for FREE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a free sample in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and have not been influenced in any way. 


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