Monday, November 24, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide - World Vision Gift Catalog

Tis the season to be giving! I am trying to teach my children that giving is better than receiving. There are so many wonderful ways to give during the holiday season... but World Vision is a unique and special way to give to the ones you love while also giving to those in need.

The World Vision Gift Catalog is filled with unique gift ideas that will make a difference around the world. Did you know that about 400 million children in the world under the age of 13 live in extreme poverty? This statistic is very upsetting, but there are things that we can do to help.... "This Christmas shoppers can help fight poverty by improving the lives of children with life-saving gifts from the 2014 World Vision Catalog."

You can give a child a backpack filled with essential school supplies, gift a goat that will provide milk to a family in need, donate to disaster relief and more. Or you can shop from the unique handcrafted gifts.

You can purchase jewelry, fair-trade coffee, purses, scarves and more. Check out these gorgeous serving spoons....
By purchasing these serving spoons you are directly helping orphans of the Kamba tribe in Kenya. "Each one is unique - just like the children they help." What an amazing way to give gifts and help others.

World Vision makes it easy to make donations towards specific needs and/or purchase handcrafted gifts.  Each item has a complete description on how you are helping others. This is the 19th year that World Vision has had a Gift Catalog. The gifts range in price, but they are holiday budget friendly with over 30 gifts that are $35 or less.

You can learn more at the World Vision Website. Take a look and see if there is a cause or item that speaks to you this holiday season.

* I received a promotional item in exchange for this post. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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