Monday, May 23, 2016


Does anyone else feel like they spend way too much time in the laundry room? I have discovered that my son is a stain magnet. The stains just seem to find him! I spend so much time treating and scrubbing his clothes. Every day it's something new from grass stains to marker to food.

Well today.... today I want to introduce you to... his dinner. This was a special day. We got all dressed up and headed out to do a Father's Day photo shoot at a local studio. I pulled this brand new polo out of the closet and felt like he looked adorable.

We headed off to the studio where we got a couple of really cute shots. I was happy with the outcome and how well behaved the kids were. So I decided to take them out to dinner. The dinner where he ordered pizza. And then leaned on it. and then dropped it on himself. The dinner where we went from this....

to this....

Fortunately, I had this little buddy on my side.

Purex plus Clorox 2 helped me to fight these stains with minimal effort. It's stain fighting power helped to make my brand new shirt look brand new again! And it's safe for colors, too. Sorry... I know.. time to iron! Seriously... my work is never done.
Thanks Purex, for making my day a little brighter... literally!

Be sure to visit Purex on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to learn about all of their great products!

"The Purex® brand provided me with a sample of Purex® plus Clorox 2® detergent in exchange for a product review. However all the opinions expressed here are my own"

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