Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Infintiy Scarves

LOVE THEM!! Easy, quick, stylish, warm. What more can I say? My sister found these scarves at Target, after attempting to knit one herself. So I picked one up and gave it a try. It dressed up my plain black sweater and made my neck so nice and warm. It's not bulky, some are. Be careful with the size you get and what you want it used for. I use mine as more of an accessory then a scarf, so I wanted a lighter weight one. Really, I can't imagine getting a thicker one because it was so warm! So, now I have two! One in blue and one in pink. They are on clearance at Target this week, so if you want to give them a try you can pick them up for $11. You can find them at a lot of stores, but I like these the best so far!

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