Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Resolution

Are people still doing that? I have never really made a serious resolution. This year I would like to. Of course will be so original and choose something that every woman will be attempting... to lose weight. As I had mentioned a few posts back, I did Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and was very successful. This was a big deal for me because I had tried everything prior to that.... Curves, Atkins, joining a gym. I really don't know why one thing worked and others didn't, but I was happy and motivated by the results.

Anyway, I managed to stop going to meetings and continue the program on my own. Which was great for my wallet! So I feel like I can jump into this program again, but I don't know if I can do it without going back to the meetings and weigh-in's at first.

So my plan is to try and change my eating habits and exercise more. Since we are in the dead of winter and I can't get to a gym with a 7 month old, exercising will be done using my Wii. Yay! I will do this until spring sets in and then I will evaluate my progress. At that point I will decide if I need to start going back to the meetings.

I'm also dragging my poor reluctant husband into it! He has never gone to meetings, but he eats what I eat. So he even lost some weight that last time! I have already informed him that he should eat as much as he wants today because tomorrow I will throwing out all the cookies and pie. He is not happy :)

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2010 is a happy, healthy year for you!!


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