Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year! Gone are the days of partying and drinking till all hours of the morning. This year we had a low key New Years and I loved it! We spent the evening with a handful of couples at various stages of life. One couple was pregnant, one had grown children, one had two small ones. So it was a nice mix of people who understood that being a parent doesn't stop on New Years Eve. We ate, talked, and played games. It was looking like a fabulous night, except for the fact that when all the babies went upstairs to go to bed mine decided she still wanted to party! Yup, she stayed up the entire evening and watched the ball drop. We tried. We tried so hard. We rocked her and sat in the dark and did everything we could to keep her on her normal schedule. She must have known it was a special night and didn't want to miss a thing.

Well, I was glad to have her in my arms at midnight. I was able to kiss my two loves when the ball dropped. But it has left me very tired this morning. She did manage to sleep in a little... until about 9. Which was great! But I think I rely on the normalcy of her routine as much as she does. She is sound asleep right now and I'm seriously considering a nap, too!

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