Thursday, February 25, 2010


Do you remember my post right after New Years? Yeah, the one about my New Years Resolution to get back on the Weight Watchers wagon? Not working out so well.

I'm trying to blame a lot of things. It's winter....people tend to eat more and exercise less in the winter. My body needs to adjust....I spent 9 months eating whatever I wanted and now I need to get back on track. I need the meetings and I just can't fit that in my schedule....unless I drag the baby with me which I'm sure would thrill everyone else at the meeting.

I can make excuses with the best of them but these excuses don't change the facts. I am unhappy with the way I look. I am spending money to buy clothes in a larger size. I'm not making enough of an effort. Yup, I can admit it... I'm not trying hard enough. But it's hard to try hard.

Part of me thinks that I was so successful the first time around because I was working. I ate the same thing every morning for breakfast and I packed a healthy lunch. I wasn't able to snack all day. By the time I got home from work it was time to make dinner. So there wasn't too much room for error. I also bought all the Weight Watchers products...breads, muffins, ice creams. This made it easier because the points were right on them and they were prepackaged. Well, that stuff is expensive. Too expensive for our current budget.

I feel like I'm stuck because I'm not making progress and I'm not sure how to. It's way too easy to break the rules when you are home all day. Hopefully the weather will get nicer soon so that I can spend more time out of the house. I need to get serious about this!


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  3. Hey Girl! I'm following from MBC! Your life sounds similar to mine. I was an elementary school counselor and a working mom until my husband got stationed in NC. SO I've spent the last year learning how to be a stay-at-home mom and I just started the blogging thing. It really has been a great outlet for me! I think you will love it and you will meet some really awesome people!

  4. Hi Ya! I'm following from MBC, welcome!
    I too have fallen off the wagon but I am back on. Check out this blog for WW recipes.
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