Monday, March 1, 2010

3 Months and Counting!

I have less than 3 months until my baby girl turns 1!! How and when did that happen???

Ok, so I certainly do not want to rush time. I am having way too much fun with my little bug. She is at an awesome age right now where she wants to play and snuggle with me... and she gives the best baby kisses!! And while is MUCH bigger than she was when she was born.. she is still my little peanut.

BUT.... I LOVE to plan parties. In another life I would totally be a wedding planner or something like that. And what better reason in there to throw a party than a baby's FIRST BIRTHDAY!! Let the planning begin!!

I am looking for ideas about what people have done or seen done to make this birthday awesome! Yes, I know she won't remember it. Yes, I know it's more for me and my husband. And yes, I am on a budget (lets not get too crazy....). But I want it to be cute and have fabulous little touches.

I'm thinking about having a cupcake theme. I want to make a GIANT cupcake shaped cake.. and then also have a cupcake tree. Any ideas to go along with this?

I also saw somewhere that hey had little rubber duckies that were pink and had the number 1 on them. Cute!

Ok, I'm open to any and every idea!!


  1. I'm following from MBC. Welcome to the blogging club!!

  2. It's so crazy how fast time flies. My oldest is 18. I still see her as my little girl in pigtails. It's such a strange thing! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

    Following from FFF @ MBC

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words
    wovenbywords dot blogspot dot com

  3. Following from MBC!!! Hope you'll return the favor :)

  4. Following you back from MBC. Have fun planning your daughter's first birthday!

  5. Oh, she'll be thrilled with just the cupcakes!! We usually just do the park for birthdays, but friends have rented bouncy houses for the afternoon - little ones LOVE it, it's hard to get them out and the end of the day.

    Peyrl (From FFF, I'm here:
    (the login is an old blog))

  6. Welcome to the Bloggy World. I'm your newest follower :) Found you from FFF on MBC
    The First Birthday is a Big Deal!!! Have fun planning.

  7. Follow from FFF on MBC!

  8. I love party planning too and there are tons of things you could do with a cupcake theme. You could make a "cake" out of cupcakes. These are really cute!

    Time flies - enjoy every moment!

    I am following from FFF on MBC!

    You can find me at

  9. Following from MBC (FFF Group)
    You can find me at

    I love party planning!
    I just did my son's 2nd Birthday and had a blast. I did a Madagascar theme and ordered my supplies through Birthday Party Express!
    I designed my own custom invitation for him. It turned out great!

  10. Following you from MBC.

    If you want to be a planner it's not that hard to get started and you can do them as you have time. Happy Birthday to your little big girl!

  11. My daughter LOVED Elmo so I made mer her own special Elmo cake - she dove right in, it was so much fun!

    I am a new follower from MBC! Nice to meet you!

  12. I love parties and the first one is so much fun :-)

    Following from MBC (FFF Group)


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