Monday, April 5, 2010

Back to Reality

I always seem to find myself living in a fog as the Holidays approach. I think that's just another perk of being a parent. You get caught up in the "magic" of everything. But now Easter is over and it's back to the real world! But here is one last Easter picture that will hopefully make you smile on this Monday morning. 

The next few months will be very busy! Our sweet baby girl will be turning one in May... and I am sure I will get all swept up in that, too! So while planning for that I have also headed up a team in this years Cystic Fibrosis Walk (which happens to fall the weekend before her birthday....overload!). I signed up before reading all the way through the info. I tend to jump into things sometimes! But it's a 10K! Wow... that's a long walk! So I will be practicing everyday so that I can actually make it through the walk. But I am excited to participate! It's my first year doing it and I hope it's the first of many. It's a wonderful cause and I encourage all of you to look into it... and maybe even get your walk on!! Happy Monday!!


  1. What a sweet picture of your little girl. Love the hat.
    1st Birthdays are so exciting to plan for! My little one had his in Feb. Time flies!! Enjoy!

    Such a great cause, I did read about it on soemone else's blog. =)

  2. She is precious! Oh I remember when mine turned one, treasure it, time flies!

  3. Love the dress! Very very cute! My little one is only 4 months, but time is already flying by! Good luck with the 10K - Kudos to you!

  4. Hi there, following you from mbc - great blog!
    Maggie @ maxwelldesigns


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