Saturday, April 3, 2010

What a Difference a Few Months Make

 I hope you all have a Happy Easter!!!


  1. Oh my goodness!! Too cute!! Happy Easter to you too!

  2. With my daughter it was the exact opposite, we got a good picture with Santa her first Christmas(she didn't start crying until after the pic was taken) but she freaked out when I tried to get her to sit with the Easter bunny last year, she wouldn't even sit on my lap next to the Easter bunny.

  3. They are both precious photos but I imagine the second one was a little more enjoyable!

  4. Isn't it funny how different kids react differently? You never know what to expect!!

    Yes, we had a blast with both experiences.. but Easter was a little more enjoyable for all involved... haha!

  5. Those pictures are priceless!!! How cute. Following from MBC.

  6. How cute!! It's the same at every age...they just grow up and mature...until they're teenagers!!!! Haha!

    I'm here from FF. Thanks for visiting me!!


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