Monday, May 24, 2010

My Birthday Girl!!

Today my sweet little girl is ONE YEAR OLD!! This has been the fastest and most exciting year of my life. I never knew how much you could love someone... how much you could worry about someone... and how fast someone could change. I have learned more about myself and my husband in this one year than in my 27 years of life or 4 years of marriage.

We had her big birthday bash on Saturday. The cupcake theme went over great! My baking skills were put to the test and I think they passed. Minus the mishap on Friday night where the giant cupcake cake crumbled and I was up until 11 pm making a new one.... but we won't tell anyone about that. But other than that everything went smoothly!

How did the cake go? Well..... she cried. Haha! My always happy and smiley girl couldn't handle the 40 people singing at her. But she was adorable anyway. She loved the cupcake but her Daddy had to hold her and feed it to her.... he makes her feel safe :)
While we may be past many of the "firsts" we have lots more exciting things to experience with our sweet little girl!! It's a bittersweet time.... yes, I cried over this occasion.... but I am excited to see all that the future holds for us!!
So I hope you enjoy my week long celebration on Momma Drama! These fabulous companies have contributed to this amazing event in my life and I am so excited to share them with you!!!


  1. Happy Birthday!!!

    Love the BIG cupcake!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy Birthday...Sounds like a wonderful day. Poor baby crying when they sang happy birthday :(

  4. happy birthday! :)

    I got my tote today and I love it!
    thanks again! :)

  5. LOL too cute! My little guy cried at my birthday cake. Wonder if he'll do it to his. :0P

  6. So cute, love the cupcake theme! My Daughter turns one June 15th, can't believe how quickly the time goes!!

  7. Happy Birthday to your little one!! That is an AWESOME cupcake! LOL

    I've given you an award on my blog, my dear. :)

    Your Blog Award

  8. Aww, You did such a wonderful job! I love the cookies, that must have taken some time!

  9. Happy Birthday! LOVE the giant cupcake..will have to remember that (cough...steal...cough) for my little one's first birthday. So cute!

  10. Thanks everyone!!! We had a blast!

    Sara, go for it.... steal away.. haha! It was a hit!

  11. Cute theme! Thats what we did my daughters first birthday party in too!!


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