Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fabbys Review

How many of you have ever thrown a pair of flip flops in the car when you go to a wedding? Or brought a change of shoes to work with you just in case you couldn't make it through the day in your heels? I know I am guilty of both of these things. I love my heels and wear them whenever I can. However, I have noticed that my feet are just not the same as they used to be. They start to hurt faster and I am often looking to take my heels off and give my feet a rest.

If you can relate to any of this then you will love to learn about Fabbys. Fabbys are ballet flats that roll up so small that they can fit into a clutch. How perfect is this for the next wedding you attend? Or the next time you want to try your new heels at work without having to worry if you can't make it the whole day? The best part about Fabbys, besides the fact that they roll up so small, is that they look great. They are super cute and way better than ruining a dress with a pair of flip flops.

Fabbys are offered in three colors (Shameless Silver, Glamazon Gold and Be Jealous Black). A color for any outfit or occasion. These are a fabulous invention and I highly recommend you check them out!


  1. Oh, I sure would love that. Those look really comfortable and easy take anywhere. I wish I had those at hand when I went to a wedding and after the wedding I could easily slip in to those. Thanks for sharing. Great review. Those would be great for X-Mas gifts. I have to add that to my list of presents to get.

  2. I was just telling my friend about these today but I couldn't remember the name, she's going to a wedding and knows it's going to be a long night. Thanks for the info, I'm going to pass the info on!

  3. Amazing event your are going to have.

    Will totally be back for that.

    New followers from New Friend Fridays.


  4. Those are cute! I'm happy you did a review on them. I've been contemplating buying some just because it's been so long since I wore heels that I only wear them out for dinner and then take them off as soon as I get in the car...LOL. This would be perfect to slip on!


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