Friday, July 23, 2010


Wow, life has been insane lately. I have kind of dropped the ball with keeping up with my usual blogging activities. But I am happy to have a nice quiet Friday so that I can get back on the blog hop wagon!

While I have been very busy, I am happy to report that it is because of 2 happy things. The first being that I am working hard with two of best bloggy buddies, Life with the Lebedas and Mommy's Free Time, to make this Fall Frenzy event the best it can possibly be! It's so exciting. We have so many amazing companies offering up really great prizes. It has exceeded my expectations and I think you will all love it! Don't forget to check out our event blog to see what's going on. And while you're there become a follower. :)

The second is that the hubby and I are starting to think about having baby number 2! My beautiful little girl will be 14 months old tomorrow, and I would like to have 2 relatively close together. But since we learned in our last pregnancy that we are both Cystic Fibrosis carriers we are taking our time. We are seeing several doctors to try and educate ourselves about the disease. Being told that any child we have will have a 1 in 4 chance of having the disease is very scary. Everyone's dream is to have a healthy child. So we are taking this in stride and trying to be as educated as we can. I am still thrilled that we are taking steps towards our next little bundle of joy!

So now... on to the Friday blog hops! Time to meet some new friends and find some fabulous blogs.

New Friend Fridays

Check them out and get hopping!


  1. Hi there! Just stopping by from NFF. Your Fall Frenzy project sounds like lots of fun, so I'm off to check it out! And best of luck on the baby situation. Sounds like you are doing your research, and I'm sure you'll make the right choices for your family :)

  2. What exciting baby news! Having them close together is awesome and a lot of work but I love it. My kiddos are 13 months apart. Right now they are driving me crazy but I know it will be worth it when they are older!


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