Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7 Days of Giving from Ecomom

You all know I love Ecomom. They are always offering great deals between discount codes, their daily deals and more. But with the holiday season quickly approaching they are going above and beyond for their customers and those in need!
From Tuesday, November 23 to Monday, November 29, Ecomom will randomly choose FOUR ECOMOM ORDERS per day and make them ABSOLUTELY FREE. No matter the purchase size, you could be a winner and your whole order will be free! What's more, they'll duplicate every free order and donate it to Baby2Baby -- a wonderful organization that helps support families in need. Everything in their store will be on sale, too, so even if your order isn't one of the free ones, you'll still be getting the best prices on our eco-friendly products for your family.

Be sure to check it out!
  • The 7 Days of Giving countdown begins November 23rd and runs through November 29th - in conjunction with our big sale. Winners will be announced daily.
  • The donation will be made at a Los Angeles shelter in collaboration with Baby2Baby the week of November 29th. 
  • 4 orders per day will be selected at random to get a free order. 
  • In total, 28 EcoMom shoppers will get their entire bill paid for by EcoMom
  • EcoMom will take care of their bill AND match the grand total with an equal donation to a Los Angeles shelter in collaboration with Baby2Baby. 
  • Event partners are: Ecomom, Baby2Baby.org, Plum Organics, SmartyPants and Episencial. 
  • Baby2Baby supplies Los Angeles families in need with essential baby gear and clothing for their children 0-4 years old.  They distribute new and gently used items through a network of community-based organizations.


  1. Thanks for spreading the word Lara! Have a good holiday weekend. - Sarah at EcoMom.

  2. Oh, that sounds great. Thanks for letting us know.
    Have a great Thanksgiving Day!


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