Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide - Didi Pop CD Review

Fast becoming one of L.A.’s hottest kids’ musicians, Deborah Poppink – aka DidiPop – invites families to join her on a vacation to Maui with her new CD, DidiPop Goes to Hawaii. Allowing her own distinctive artistry to blossom in the gentle atmosphere of the tropical Hawaiian Islands, DidiPop encourages kids and their caregivers to joyfully dance, sing, laugh, and feel the “Aloha Spirit” while picking up some good information about the Hawaiian alphabet, mangos and the hula!

This CD is so much fun! The music is so upbeat and lots of fun to dance to. It also takes you away. We were listening to this CD on a cold fall day and as we danced around we started to imagine we were some place warm and tropical. It was a nice little escape! The lyrics are fun and catchy. And I love how sometimes there are kids singing along with her. Coconut Candy and The Keiki Hula were my favorite songs.

I love when you find a CD that the kids love and the parents also enjoy listening to. This CD is unlike any other kid's CD that we have. The Hawaiian style makes it stand out!

You can listen to samples of the song and learn more about Didi Pop at her official website


  1. Even the cover looks like it would something fun to dance to with the kids! Thanks for sharing!

  2. OH, now you really want me to travel to Hawaii- I love everything about it. Looks like it will be a fun, exciting CD. Thanks for sharing :)


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