Wednesday, December 29, 2010

BornFree Review

As a mommy of a toddler I feel like I am always looking for new cups and trying new things. My daughter does great with the sippy cup but I have been wanting her to move to a cup with a straw to help move her to the next step. We tried one brand and my husband broke the straw as soon as we opened it while doing the initial cleaning. Then we tried another kind that she either didn't like or couldn't get the water out of because every time we handed it to her she handed it back and signed water.

So when BornFree gave me the opportunity to review some of their products I was definitely interested. I was familiar with BornFree because of their bottles, but I didn't know until this opportunity arose that they also offer training cups and drinking cups. As soon I as saw that I knew I had to give them a try.

I felt comfortable trying BornFree products because I know they pride themselves in providing safe and effective products that are all 100% BPA free. If you're not familiar with this chemical compound you can learn about it on the BornFree site.

For this review I received a set of 2 BornFree bottles and one Twist'n Pop cup. The bottles are great and I've heard about their wonderful reputation since my daughter was little. I have especially heard that they help reduce colic and ear infections. But what I was really anxious about was the Twist'n Pop cup.

I immediately opened it up to was and check out the parts. It's very simple with a spill proof valve, straw, twist top, cap, and bottle. Easy to take apart, clean, and put back together. It's also a really nice size... big! It holds a lot of water which is great my little one. I typically end up refilling her sippy by lunch time, so this is great.  Then I handed it over to see if she would take it and if she could get water out of it.
She willingly took it and has been very successful. We have been using it for several days and have only had one incident. I found the cup laying on it's side (as that's how she always seems to put the cups down) on the couch in a pool of water. After close examination I discovered that one of two things happened... I either tightened it too much or not enough. I think it may have been too much because it was on pretty securely. But I tested it again and again and it hasn't happened since. I think it was user error... hehe! I love the cup and will be getting more!

You can check out the Twist'n Pop and all the other BornFree Products on their website . You can also find retailers near you on their site.


  1. Sweet, I didn't even know they had sippy cups! Thats awesome to know!

  2. I didn't know either! I always associated them with bottles, but this cup is great!


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