Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Day!

We are snowed in up here! Well, not really. We got hit hard and fast on Sunday into Monday. The plows didn't make it through our area until the middle of the day yesterday, and even then it still looked icy and snowy. So we didn't go anywhere yesterday. Today we decided to venture out and check out some after Christmas deals. The roads weren't too bad except for a few spots. But the sales were terrible! No body has any Christmas stuff left and things aren't marked down too much. Bummer. I guess it's better to stay home and play in the snow!


  1. Super cute!! Love the hat.

    Disappointing about the sales. I wanted to do some after-Christmas shopping myself, but couldn't really get out because of the snow.

  2. Love that girlie little snowsuit!
    I love boxing week shopping! it's killing me to miss it this year!

  3. Look at her, she's too cute. I bet she had lots of fun in the snow! I'm hoping it snows at least once here and then moves on, lol.

  4. Yeah, I think I've had my fill of snow for awhile.. .lol! But she loved it!


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