Monday, January 3, 2011

Lots of Changes in 2011

2011 will bring a lot of changes for me and my family. You all know about the weight loss and healthier lifestyle adventure that my husband and I will be taking. With this will bring a test of my cooking skills. My "go to" meals are not the healthiest, so I will be looking for new and exciting recipes that will keep us fit and trim while still tasting yummy. So if anyone has any they would like to share please e-mail them to me and I will post them for everyone else to enjoy as well!

You will also see a change in my blog. In the past I have focused to much on reviews and giveaways. While I think these are great and a huge part of Momma Drama, I feel other areas of importance have suffered. I want to make more of an effort to get back into Momma Blogging. Sharing stories, issues, and life in general. I feel like my readers need to "know" me in order to trust my opinions or relate to my reviews. So I will still be having awesome reviews and giveaways, but I will also be Momma Blogging a lot more! Plus, I need to balance my blogging life with my family life, and that means cutting back a little.

And the biggest change is that my little one will be entering the world of childcare. As most of you know, I work 2 days a week at a school for children with multiple disabilities. I am in charge of the technology department and love what I do. I have been there for exactly one year today... yay! And for that whole year my mother-in-law was making a huge sacrifice for us and driving 2 hours to stay with my little one two days a week. This was tough on everyone. It was a long drive for her every week, it was tough for us to have an overnight guest every week, and if she couldn't make it one week for whatever reason we had no back up plan.

There is a small childcare center in my building, so on Wednesday we will be starting our little (19  month old) daughter. She will go two days a week and I think it will be good for her. She loves to interact with other children, and I think the structure and change of scenery will be great. Of course I'm a wreck. I think it's hard no matter what to trust someone... anyone... with your child. I went through it when I first left her with my mother-in-law, and now I feel like I am starting all over.

It will be great to have her in the same building, and it's a huge relief that I already know the people taking care of her. But it's still a tough adjustment. I would love any words of advice from momma's who have been in this spot.

So that's my year ahead in a nutshell. I am really looking forward to growing more relationships with my readers and learning more about you! Happy New Year!


  1. It sounds like you have a great game plan in place for the new year. I love the personal side of blogging so much so I'm glad you'll be doing more. :)

  2. I feel ya girl on the whole new game plan! I've got my whole 'year' planned out, lol. Actually my post for later this week is similar to yours without the childcare part. I'm sure everything will go better than you expect. I think there is always an adjustment period but once you get over that and she sees all the toys and other kids she'll have a blast! Hang in there Mama!

  3. I think we're on the same page! I was just thinking the same thing about my blog. I really want to get back into writing and not just doing reviews and giveaways! I can't wait to read more about all the awesome changes to your blog!!!

  4. looking forward to the new plan. I would be nuts for her to go to daycare but i bet she has a amazing time

  5. your plan is my plan too! I hear this alot in the blogosphere. reviews/giveaways take up a lot of quality time, it seems we all need to take a step back and reprioritize or at least start the year off slow. that's how I feel anyway.
    as for childcare, your daughter will love it! it's sooo great for them and how nice to find a place right in your building! amazing luck! I hope it goes well. it's probably harder on you than her.

  6. Those sound like big, but really good changes! Can't wait!!

  7. Thank you all so much for your support! I am hoping it's a good year for all of us! And I am excited to learn more about all of you here and your blogs :)

  8. That is great that your making a change. We all love a little bit of everything and then we can get to know our readers better. I can't wait what you will have in store for us. Your little one will sure have a blast once she sees all the fun things they will be doing and I love that the childcare is in your building- how great is that. Thanks for sharing- I can't wait to read more and Happy New Year to you and your family!


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