Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolution

I think I make the same resolution every year. I am going to lose weight. Sometimes I am more successful than others. Sometimes I am just not successful at all. But this year I want to change it up a little. Yes, I want to lose weight. But I also want to change my eating habits to help me live a healthier lifestyle. Having my daughter has made me realize that my health is really important. I want to be around for all the fun things in store, so I need to not only take care of my little one but also myself (and my husband who will be taking on the same dietary lifestyle completely against his will).

I am what you would a weight fluctuator.  I'm guessing that's not a word since my spell check doesn't like it... but that's what I am. I loose it, gain it, loose it, gain it. Let's look back.....

This is me on my wedding day. It was 2006 and I wasn't my heaviest or my lightest.

This is 2007 and I had lost some weight but wasn't totally happy.

By Summer 2008 I was looking and feeling great! I had started Weight Watchers and it was working.

Then I got pregnant in September of '08.
By April of 2009 I was about the size of a house. Luckily little miss arrived in May '09.

So over a year later here I am.....
I'm still about 30 pounds over the weight I was right before I got pregnant... yikes, I know. You can see it the most in my face. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm not unhealthy. But I know I can be healthier. So my goal is to lose 25 pounds before I get pregnant with my second. I am hoping to be able to have a healthier pregnancy and not gain as much weight as I did the first time around. I am totally guilty of "eating for two" at all hours of the day and night. Not this time around! It's so hard to bounce back, so I want to make the bouncing easier. 

Time Frame: 6 months
Plan: Eat healthier foods and smaller portions
Exercise: Haha! Chasing a toddler? Oh, and Just Dance 2 on the Wii (it is a great workout!)
Accountable to: YOU! I can't get to a Weight Watchers meeting every week with my schedule. So I will be sharing my progress with you!


  1. I know this might not be what you want to hear, but you look great! I do know what you mean, though. I'm in the same boat. I am still struggling with the baby weight. Good luck, sounds like you have a realistic view.

    Thanks for the tip on the Just Dance game, we just got a Wii, so I'm gonna check it out!

  2. Thanks so much! The baby weight is soooo tough! And Just Dance is a lot of fun. I hope it works for both of us... lol!

  3. Good luck!!! I will check in to your blog and hope that your progress will motivate me, too.

  4. Lara, you look fantastic!

    My goal is definitely to lose that 20 lbs of baby weight too!

    We should motivate and help each other out!!

    Happy New Year and Good Luck!!

    :) sara

  5. just look at that gorgeous wedding picture! love it! good luck with healthy-ness, I need to plan more healthy meals too.

  6. Thank you all so much for your support! It really means a lot to have such an amazing group of supporters and friends!

  7. You do look great!!
    I lost a lot of weight when I was nursing but since I stopped I gained a lot so it's time for me to buckle down and loose it. It's hard, but it's possible!

  8. I think you look great! You should join Emmi & I on the weight loss challenge we're getting ready to start Jan 10th.
    I just bought Zumba for wii and it's a blast!! I also take a class once a week. Have you tried Zumba. It takes several times before you can really understand and get into it but it's so much fun!! Anyways, looking forward to reading about it! And share the recipes that you plan to make :D I can always use some healthy recipes!

  9. You guys all rock! I love my support system on here and am excited to share my journey with you! And I will def be over at Jennifer and Emmi's for their weight loss challenge... and would love to hear about everyone else's struggles and successes! Together we can do it!

  10. Oh, you look amazing- Love the gray outfit- looks very nice on you. Can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing :)


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