Thursday, March 29, 2012

Doodle Roll Review

I love brilliant products that have a mom's sanity in mind. Doodle Roll is one of those brilliant products. Doodle Roll provides an all-in-one kit that has a roll of paper and crayons in a compact package. These little packages are perfect for tossing in the car or diaper bag for spur of the moment creativity time! Just imagine, waiting at a doctor's office for a long period of time and the kids are starting to lose it. Whip out the Doodle Roll and they are busy drawing, playing tic-tac-toe, writing a story... the possibilities are endless.

I was really excited to have the chance to check out the Doodle Roll. My daughter loves to color and she loves to color with someone even more. So being able to make the sheet of paper as long or short as we need is great. Having the crayons right in the package means we are never without them. And being able to toss it in the diaper bag means I can whip it out in restaurants, doctor's offices, the park, anywhere at any time.

The Doodle Roll is available in two sizes, so we keep the smaller one in the diaper bag and use the bigger one at home. It has a safe EZ tear edge that allows us to rip off her drawing neatly so it can be hung on the refrigerator. This really is a great product! Check it out today and take a moment to vote for Doodle Roll to "Get on the Shelf" at Walmart. This would make it even more convenient for you to pick one up!


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