Thursday, March 29, 2012

Start Your Day on a Pure a Fresh Note with Tropicana

Mornings are a crazy time in my house. Saying that I'm not a morning person would be an understatement, and I tend to roll out of bed ten to fifteen minutes behind schedule. Then the mad rush begins to get myself and the baby dressed, get out lunches packed, try to get some breakfast on the table, and be out the door in time to drop her off at day care and get to my office on time.

Getting our day started is not an easy task but we never leave the house without a complete breakfast. After all, it is the most important meal of the day. And in my opinion, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. So we like to stop and sit down as a family before we start running again! Our family of three takes twenty minutes out of our busy morning where we simply focus on eating a healthy breakfast and talking to each other about our upcoming day. I find that time to be really special and important. And since my daughter is a major grazer, this is my opportunity to get some good food into her! Luckily for us she loves orange juice!

Tropicana has been a part of our morning routine for quite some time now. Tropicana Pure Premium is 100% pure Florida orange juice. With Tropicana being the single largest buyer of Florida fruit they support 22 Florida counties. This is a great way of supporting farmers within the US and feeling comfortable and confident in the product that you're buying.

With our family breaking out the orange juice on a daily basis it's important for us to know that we are getting the freshest juice possible. Orange juice offers a lot of healthy benefits, including vitamin C. And with the long, cold winters we want to make sure we are getting the best possible nutrients. Tropicana works with a variety of different groves that offer different microclimates and soil types. Because of these factors the oranges reach peak maturity at different times of the year. This allows for Tropicana to provide us with the freshest product throughout the entire year.

Getting each day started the right way becomes a little easier with the pure, fresh taste of Tropicana Pure Premium. I love the confidence I can feel giving it to my family and knowing that they are getting the best possible fruit that ripened at the right time. And knowing that all of the oranges in each bottle came from our neighbors to the south makes me want to buy it and support Tropicana even more. I have a lot of family in Florida so we spend vacations there sometimes. So helping to keep those groves going and getting fresh fruit growing right here in the US is very important to me.

So take a minute to stop each morning and get your day started right. Sit down with your family and talk about what's coming up that day. And while you're at it, grab a nice refreshing glass of Tropicana Pure Premium and get a taste of Florida.

Tropicana is also holding a sweepstakes where you have the chance to win one of the 100 Florida prizes, including one year supplies of Tropicana and a trip to Florida to visit an orange grove. How cool would that be?!? You can learn more and see all the rules and regulations at the Tropicana Facebook page under the "sweeps" tab.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tropicana blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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