Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1-2-3 Dinosaurs Bite - Book Review

I absolutely adore children's books and will sit down with my daughter to read whenever we can. So having a nice variety of books keeps her entertained and engaged during our reading time. When we received the book, 1-2-3 Dinosaurs Bite!, for review my daughter was very excited!

My daughter loves dinosaurs, so this book grabbed her attention right away. She is also working hard on her counting and becoming quite independant. So she was excited when I told her she would get to do all the counting for me!

I love the educational value behind this book. Each time you turn the page you get to count and use the bite marks to illustrate what number you are up to. You are introduced to 5 different hungry dinosaurs through the story. At the end you can learn a few fun facts about the dinosaurs and what they like to eat. It's created with The American Museum of Natural History, so you know it has to be good!

This is a quick read that is fun and entertaining for young children. The illustrations are great and it's an opportunity to interact and practice counting skills with your child. I would definitely recommend this book as an addition to your book collection!

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