Tuesday, November 6, 2012

MailPix - Review and Giveaway

The holidays are coming and everyone is on the hunt for the perfect gifts. I have always been a fan of giving gifts that are personal and meaningful. Of course those are the hardest gifts to shop for. Since technology has been changing over the past several years it is now getting easier to create those personal and meaningful gifts though the use of photos.

We've all heard that a picture is worth a thousands words, and to me it's very true. I am a big believer is trying to capture magical memories every chance I can get. With digital cameras this has become so easy to do! And now we can turn those pictures into treasured gifts that can be functional, letting us remember fond memories and our favroite people on a daily basis.

MailPix.com is a great new site that allows you to create those perfect gifts. From Christmas ornaments to blankets to coffee mugs. It's amazing what you can put a picture on! And you can even create photobooks to remember and event, a family vacation, or any other time in your lives that you would like to tell a story about.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with this wonderful company and experience the process and products first hand. They provided me with a code to purchase several products. So I got a head start on my holiday shopping!

The site is very easy to navigate. I was able to quickly and easily upload pictures directly from my computer. Then I simply selected the item I wanted to put the picture on and drag and dropped it. I  was able to edit the image, in terms of zooming and such, to get the image exactly how I wanted it.

Checking out was quick, simple, and straight forward. And my items arrived in no time at all! I was really impressed with the speed of their shipping. I anxiously opened each item and examined it. Everything arrived packed for safety (since several items were breakable) and arrived in perfect condition. The photos came out clear and crips. This is definitely a site I would use again!

And if you head over and sign up you will receive 100 free prints! Can't get any better than that!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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